Mémoires de Charles Henri Sanson

File:BalzacEpisodeTerror.jpgRecently I gathered a lot of information on Charles Henri Sanson (1739-1806). It seems he left school in 1753 and received private education. It is unclear when he started to assist the executioners, likely 1754, when his father paralized or in 1756 when he was 17.[Reising, Willa Carlyle, “Beccaria, the Executioner, and the French Revolution” (2024). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 12609. https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/etd/12609 , p. 62] While officially holding the post, most of the work was carried out by Charles-Henri, assisted by his step-grandfather François Prudhomme. However, the Parliament allowed Charles Henry Sanson, to replace his father, but refused him to invest legally (1755). To his lasting shame, he had (in 1766) unintentionally tortured a condemned former friend of his father’s, the Comte de Lally, by failing to sever his head in a single stroke.
Sanson became the official royal executioner of the court of Versailles on the death of his father Charles-Jean-Baptiste Sanson in August 1778.  Charles Henri had six younger half brothers – all executioners in France – and two sisters.[Willa Carlyle Reising, p. 62] Sanson sr,  “Monsieur de Paris” to distinguish him from his brothers. He lived in the Marais, 10th arrondissement, near the church Saint-Laurent (which is near Gare de l’Est).
Sanson was well-educated and musically talented. In his leisure time he played the violin and the violoncello, and often met with his longtime friend Tobias Schmidt, a well-regarded German maker of musical instruments, who would later build the guillotine. They played music by Christoph Willibald Gluck.[Vol. III, p. 396-397]
In the last days of 1789 Antoine Joseph Gorsas in the Courrier de Paris accused Sanson of harbouring a royalist press in his house. On 27 January 1790 Sanson was brought to trial, but acquitted, and Gorsas withdrew the accusation. Plaidoyer prononcé au tribunal de police de l’Hôtel de ville de Paris, le mercredi 27 janvier 1790, pour Charles-Henri Sanson, exécuteur des jugements criminels de la ville, prévôté et vicomté de Paris contre le sieur Prudhomme, marchand papetier, se disant éditeur et propriétaire du journal intitulé : “Révolutions de Paris…”, le sieur Gorsas… et le sieur Quillau… / (Signé : Maton de la Varenne). 2e édit. revue, corrigée et augmentée – 1790 – National Library of France, France
At the same time Sanson was accused of royalism by Camille Desmoulins in his newspaper Révolutions de France et de Brabant, no 7, p. 306 & 307.[Charles Henri Sanson par Roger Goulard. Mercure de France, 1 février 1951, p. 262-263] [Vol. III, p 301-] The Sansons were not seen as active citizens, according to Charles Henri:
Ils payent, disent-ils, comme les autres sujets du roi, les vingtièmes, la captation, les charges de ville et de police, la taxe des pauvres. Ils rendent le pain béni sur tes paroisses; ils sont enregistrés dans la garde nationale de leurs districts. Pourquoi donc les empêcherait-on de participer aux autre» avantages dont jouissent les autres citoyen»?...[Le Petit Moniteur universel, 27 décembre 1874]
ChatGPT: This document appears to relate to a legal plea or defense involving Charles-Henri Sanson, and Louis-Marie Prudhomme, a prominent revolutionary journalist and publisher of the newspaper Révolutions de Paris. Prudhomme was known for his critical stance toward the monarchy and its agents, which may have led to this legal dispute. This case highlights the tensions between the press and public officials during the revolutionary period in France, reflecting broader debates about freedom of expression and the responsibilities that accompany it.

In September 1790 when a new revolutionary constitution was published, Sanson proposed to stop and to appoint his eldest son. It was not accepted by the National Assembly? He never joined the Jacobin club but strived for to become a “citoyen actif”. On 25 April 1792, the National Assembly approved the guillotine’s use on a live human being, according to the Mémoires Louis XVI was involved and gave his opinion? [Vol. III, p. 403-] 

It seems Sanson  was arrested on or after 10 august 1792, but released on 21st, to do a few more executions as there was a lot of crime in those days. His son Gabriel died on 27 August 1792 executing Jean-Blaize Vimal, a manufacturer of fake assignats, and two of his helpers, after slipping in the blood and falling from the scaffold.[Gazette nationale ou le Moniteur universel, 21 janvier 1893] [https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/History_of_the_Guillotine] During the September Massacres Sanson (and two half brothers Charlemagne and Louis Martin in Versailles and Tours and Auxerre) were arrested again? Sanson offered up his resignation to the new authorities. But he was refused.[https://allthatsinteresting.com/charles-henri-sanson] He introduced a fashion, wearing blue but changed to green after being criticized as blue was the color of the nobility.[https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/strange-history-collection.403041/

Garde Nationale

Under the law of 14 October 1791, all active citizens and their children over 18 years were obliged to enlist in the National Guard. Their role was the maintenance of law and order and, if necessary, territorial defense in wartime. Those who were active citizens in 1790 must provide a certificate that they have been enlisted in the National Guard since that time. On August, 12 1792 the royal family was taken to the Temple. It seems on that day, during the elections of the officer of  the National Guard, my grandfather and father were appointed sergeants; my great-uncle Charlemagne Sanson became corporal. These offices obliged them to take a more active part than they liked in the political events.[Vol III, p. 462] 

Portrait of Charlemagne Sanson, a half-brother. Musée de Provins.[Feuille de Provins, 5 décembre 1874]
En revanche, le décalage entre les sections et les bataillons était maintenu : ce n’est qu’au lendemain du 10 août 1792 que la correspondance entre les deux cadres devait être rétablie, les sections devenant « sections armées », tandis que la Garde nationale s’ouvrait aux anciens citoyens passifs.[https://books.openedition.org/psorbonne/66979]

A Paris, dès le 13 août 1792, les commissaires des sections rétablirent la concordance entre les sections et les bataillons de la garde nationale, que la loi du 21 mai 1790 avait détruite. La loi du 19-21 août 1792 légalisa la réduction des soixante bataillons à quarante huit ; ce qui correspondait au nombre des sections de la Commune.[Devenne Florence. La garde Nationale ; création et évolution (1789-août 1792). In: Annales historiques de la Révolution française, n°283, 1990. pp. 49-66. DOI : https://doi.org/10.3406/ahrf.1990.1411 www.persee.fr/doc/ahrf_0003-4436_1990_num_283_1_1411]
Auparavant l’état-major sortait d’une élection au troisième degré : les capitaines, lieutenants, sous-lieutenants et sergents des compagnies d’un même bataillon élisaient le commandant en chef, le second et l’adjudant de ce bataillon. Et ceux-ci élisaient ensuite, avec ceux des autres bataillons, le chef, l’adjudant et le sous-adjudant de chaque légion (Braesch F., op. cit., p. 93). Voir l’arrêté de la Commune du 16 août, qui réorganise la garde nationale. Affiches de la Commune de Paris.[https://books.openedition.org/psorbonne/66979]

L’Assemblée des Représentants nomma les officiers de ces compagnies dès le 24 octobre (S. Lacroix, op. cit, t. II, p. 476-477).[https://books.openedition.org/pur/16612]

On 20 January 1793 seems Charles Henri Sanson hesitated to execute the King. Sanson was  threatened with a message that a plot to save the king was in place, that his life was in danger and Louis would be freed on his way to scaffold.[Vol III, p. 468] He was assisted by two brothers Charlemagne and Martin, who were heavely armed and Le gros and Barré. In the evening Sanson secretly organised a mess for the soul of the King in La Villette?[Vol IV, p. ?] There is no proof the requiem was ever held.[R. Goulard (1950) Balzac et les “Mémoires de Sanson” In: Mercure de France, 1 novembre 1950, p. 479-480 ] [Gazette nationale ou le Moniteur universel, 21 janvier 1893 by G. Lenotre] The matter also came to the knowledge of a famous writer, Balzac, who wanted to hear it confirmed and to get to know the details from my father’s mouth himself. The latter satisfied his desire and their conversation provided the material for a narrative, which was used in the introduction to the spurious memoirs published in 1830.
His son Henri-Nicolas-Charles Sanson (1767–1840) was part of one of the battalions of the national guard in charge of assisting in the execution, not on but close to the scaffold.[Vol III, p. 472]  In total thousand guards assisted on the square.[Gazette nationale ou le Moniteur universel, 21 janvier 1893 by G. Lenotre] One month later Sanson sent a letter to Thèrmomêtre du Jour with details: Getting out of the car for the execution, we told the King that we had to take off his clothes, he made some difficulties, saying that we could execute him as he was. He also made the proposal to cut his own hair.[Vol III, p. 476] The condemned had to enter the scaffold on bare feet, dressed in a white shirt, according to Sanson.
"The buttons, scraps of clothing, and shirt of Louis Capet, as well as his hair, were collected and sold at very high prices to collectors. Executioner Sanson, accused of having participated in this new type of trade, has just written to journalists to clear his name on this matter; here are his words: 'I have just learned that there is a rumor circulating that I am selling or arranging the sale of Louis Capet’s hair. If any has been sold, this vile trade could only have been carried out by scoundrels. The truth is that I did not allow anyone from my household to take or remove even the slightest trace.'"
"Here lies the executioner once again.
These facts, accepted as authentic by chroniclers, have given rise to various picturesque embellishments, and sensitive souls are now convinced that Sanson succumbed to remorse for having beheaded the king.
These are all errors, and unpublished documents leave no doubt on this matter. Charles-Henri Sanson ceased to perform his duties only on the 13th of Fructidor, Year III: 'It has been forty-three years,' he states in his resignation letter, 'that he has served in the position he occupies. He is suffering from nephritic disease and can no longer continue his duties.'[G. Lenotre, p. 148-149]
From the Mémoires: During a certain period of the revolution Charles Henri Sanson kept a diary not only of the executions he witnessed, but also of his personal feelings. This diary was kept regularly only towards the end of the Brumaire in 1793; but he left us an account of the death of Charlotte Corday (on 17 July), which is more complicated and detailed than all those used in the reports on the processes of the first phase of the revolution. I will share this report, as well as the diary later, without changing the disjointed form of it, since this simple version characterizes precisely the author and gives the note all the more value.
According to G. Lenotre, a pen name for the historian Théodore Gosselin, on page 148 it was believed for a long time Charles Henri Sanson died in 1793 of sorrow,[La Presse littéraire, 14 juin 1857 by Alexandre Dumas]  which was a mistake, as he was buried on 4 July 1806.[Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/6754/charles-henri-sanson: accessed January 12, 2025), memorial page for Charles-Henri Sanson (15 Feb 1739–4 Jul 1806), Find a Grave Memorial ID 6754, citing Montmartre Cemetery, Paris, City of Paris, Île-de-France, France; Maintained by Find a Grave. N.B. Unfortunately on none of the photos the date can be read clearly.] In 1911 the Brittanci wrote that there was still no record of the elder Sanson’s death. Henri was wrongly presented as his successor and the new executioner, which he de facto did on 4 September 1795.[Le Gaulois, 19 janvier 1914]
Picture background
A few days after the Insurrection of May/June. By a decree of June 13, 1793, the Convention decided that there would be an executor of the judgments of the courts in each department of the Republic.

Charlotte Corday d’Armont was executed on July 17, 1793 for the murder of Jean-Paul Marat. At the execution the assistant executioner François le Gros, lifted up the served head and slapped the cheek, which reportedly made her cheeks blush. Legros’ actions were not approved by the crowd or Sanson, and, in fact, Sanson complained to Antoine Quentin Fouquier de Tinville and the Revolutionary Tribunal imprisoned him for eight days for his inappropriate action.[https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6213052m/f9.image/f1n398.pdf?download=1, p. 25] Le Gros was sentenced to three months prison for his breach of scaffold etiquette. 

Le 27 septembre 1793 Charlemagne Sanson récit un certificat de civisme délivré par le comité de surveillance révolutionnaire de la section du faubourg du nord.[Feuille de Provins, 19 décembre 1874] [Le Petit Moniteur universel, 27 décembre 187] 
It is likely Charles-Henri was the executioner of Marie-Antoinette and Philippe Egalité and all the Girondins in October/November 1793. On 31 October 1793, Brissot and twenty-one other Girondins were guillotined.[313] In the evening Charles-Henri Sanson was accused by Fouquier-Tinville of “incivisme” while the latter offended the Girondins according to Sanson.[Vol IV, p.?]  
From the Mémoires: Henri Sanson supervised the removal of the bodies, which were thrown in pairs into the baskets waiting behind the guillotine. But after six heads had fallen, the baskets and the fallboard were so flooded with blood that the touch of this blood must have been much more terrible for the following ones than death itself. Charles Henri Sanson ordered two assistants to pour out several buckets of water and wash off the pieces with a sponge after each execution, p. ? 
In April 1794 Sanson seems to have appointed his brother-in-law (?), a certain Charles-Constant (?)  Desmorest.[Le Figaro, 28 mars 1891][Vol. V, p. 3]
The number of executions per day grew from three or four to tens and dozens, in some cases more than 60 beheadings in a day. 

Cesare Beccaria

According to Reising Charles-Henri Sanson’s criticisms of the Reign of Terror is different from other Revolutionary leaders’ points of view because Sanson’s believed that it was not influenced by Enlightened penal reformers. Sanson was influenced by Beccaria.[Willa Carlyle Reising, p. 64] He began by discussing the issue of citizenship and noted how even though executioners were not legally citizens in France they still had to pay taxes like any other citizen. Then he argued that the issue of the decree of 24 December 1789 was that it did not mention executioners. He wrote that this caused other people to believe that executioners were unfit for election, civil or military posts.[Reising, Willa Carlyle, “Beccaria, the Executioner, and the French Revolution” (2024). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 12609. https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/etd/12609 p. 70] 
For Beccaria if someone was a traitor against their country then they should be executed. were being punished for counterrevolutionary activity. On February 2nd, 1794, Charles-Henri first wrote in his diary about his dislike for the Revolution. Sanson criticized the judges and jurors because of the number of victims they had sent to the guillotine. Executioners were there to justly execute murders and thieves, not citizens who spoke out against a government which was punishing them by death. However, the Revolutionary leaders were also possibly influenced by Beccaria, and they used his treatise to justify the increased executions of citizens during the Reign of Terror.[Reising, Willa Carlyle, p. 76-77, 79, 83, 85] 

Henri Sanson

Sanson, his brother PierreClaude, lieutenant,  and Henri were involved in the events of 9 Thermidor. At that time Henri was “capitaine de la Garde Nationale de Paris puis Gendarmerie des Tribunaux; d’abord infanterie, depuis 31 (?)  Octobre 1793 dans artillerie.” [Vol. V, p. 257; Vol VI, p. 143] [Mercure de France, 1 février 1949, p. 383] for four months. In December two commissionaires were sent to several areas, [Journal des débats et des décrets, 17 décembre 1793] where farmers and merchants refused to pay paid with assignats, losing their value quicly. Henri served at Coulommiers until March and not until May, and returned to Paris.[Vol. V, p. 274]

He even got involved in politics by opposing the arrest of François Henriot. The suburbs of Saint Marceau, Saint Antoine and Saint Martin alone sent crews and guns to the square and the surrounding area of the town hall; and from a manuscript of my father it can be seen that many had been taken by surprise and did not even know that they were supporting an uprising. His brother and son Henri were arrested  but released on 1 September 1794.  It seems Henri was not involved in the execution of Robespierre, Saint-Just and all the others on 10 Thermidor, perhaps he executed Fouquier-Tinville.

Toulongeon, a former constituent who wrote in 1812, confirms that Robespierre received a pistol shot that shattered his chin cheek. There is reason, therefore, to suppose that an attempt at suicide on the part of Robespierre was only suspected; Louis Blanc shows it clearly in the notes which follow the seventh chapter of the tenth volume of his History of the Revolution. According to Louis Blanc, Médal would have entered the commune's consulting room long before Leonard Bourdon; when he recognized Robespierre, he would have wounded him with a pistol shot; all those present would have fled, and with a pistol shot he would have hit the shoulder of a man who was carrying Couthon away on a dark staircase. I will add a statement to this succinct account of Mr. Louis Blanc, which, however modest it may be, has its value. Médal belongs to that gendarmerie of the Tribunal, which came into daily contact with my father through his service; but the reasons for his promotion were no secret to anyone, and at the time when the most reliable historians assumed an attempt at suicide on the part of Robespierre, my father was already telling me about the pistol shot of gendarme Médal, about the consequences that the same had had for him, and about the anger that his promotion had caused among his former comrades, most of whom were angry Robespierrists. Be that as it may, a quarter of an hour after Leonard Bourdon entered the meetinghouse, the state of affairs was almost exactly as Barère described it.
Maximilian Robespierre lay on the ground, badly wounded and covered with blood; after the younger Robespierre had taken off his shoes and walked a distance along the wide carnies of the first floor by the townhouse, he threw himself down on the tips of the bayonets; Couthon, only slightly bruised, was carried by his friends to the quay, but left there by them; Henriot was in no better condition than his accomplices, he had not let justice be done to himself, as Barère put it : outraged by his cowardice, Coffinhal had rushed him out to a window leading to one of the inner courtyards, and he had fallen on a pile of broken glass; still completely stunned by his trap, he had dragged himself into an alley, where he was found only a few hours later. Saint Just, Payan, Lescot, Fleuriot were arrested.

Coward, Coffinhal told his friend, you had answered me for your troop: and, with a vigorous arm, dragging him towards a balcony, he threw him into a sewer, from where he was pulled out alive, but covered in blood and filth.[https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6213052m/f9.image/f1n398.pdf?download=1, p. 309]
Henri was appointed executioner on 4 September 1795 (18 Fructidor III); his father had stepped down on 30 August, the executioner since 1788 de facto for 17 years.[Charles-Henri Sanson, exécuteur des arrets criminels a Paris, sa vie privee et publique. In: Mercure de France, 1 février 1951, p. 266 by R. Goulard] He stepped down on 30 August 1795.[https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k57887298/f6.image/f1n388.pdf?download=1]  At some time between 1804-1806, when Sanson was asked by Napoleon – in or outside the Madeleine  church, I dont know- if he was the executioner of the King in January 1793, Sanson confirmed.[Mercure de France, 1 février 1951, p. 267 by R. Goulard] Henri succeeded his father officially in 1806, de jure after 28 years. 
In his Causerie, Alexandre Dumas refers to a meeting circa 1830 with Henri Sanson, eldest son of Charles-Henri Sanson, who had also been present at the execution.
These Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de la révolution française, printed in two volumes in 1829  by Hippolyte Tilliard and published in 1830 by M.A. Grégoire, had been written by a trio of compilers including Gabriel Honoré de Balzac, who had written so far under various pseudonyms. Sanson organized a diner and gave  Louis-François L’Héritier a commission, who worked slowly on the first two chapters and on his turn contacted Balzac. Paul Lacroix refused to cooperate. In July 1830 this enterprise was stopped on request of his son. Henri allowed Clément to review and correct his book.[https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6213052m/f9.image/f1n398.pdf?download=1, Chapitre II, p. 19, 25] Balzac confirmed he was the main author of Vol. I.[Les Contemporains, 1 janvier 1912, p. 16 by Fr. Normand] The role of Émile Marco Saint-Hilaire is unclear.
Dans les derniers mois de 1829 ou les premiers mois de 1830, L’Héritier de l’Ain qui venait de donner avec un grand succès (d’argent) les Mémoires de Vidocq proposa au libraire Mame la publication des Mémoires de Sanson. L’affaire se conclut et Charles-Henry Sanson signa un traité par lequel il s’engageait à laisser mettre son nom sur les volumes et à fournir des documents et matériaux aux « teinturiers » acceptés par lui. [La Gazette, 25 novembre 1905]
The first critique appeared in: La France nouvelle, 27 février 1830, p. 3. The origin of the Sanson family was romantized in volume I, volume II is more a playwright with many dialogues. 
It was Monique Lebailly who started to question these Mémoires in 1988 in: La Révolution française vue par son bourreau : journal de Charles-Henri Sanson. I have not found a copy yet and cannot tell if she focuses specifically the 1830 version of the Mémoires, or if she included the later editions by Henri-Clément. 
Someone questions the reliability of Memoirs of the Sansons: From Private Notes and Documents (1688-1847)—perhaps due to the issues raised in https://www.rarebookhub.com/articles/2309?id=2309? Thibault Ehrengardt, a Jamaican journalist and expert on reggae music, has been cited in this context. While respected in his field, his authority on historical subjects such as the Sanson family appears limited. His perspective may even be influenced by a “woke” approach to history.
The Mémoires have been deemed culturally significant by some scholars, though they were likely written with commercial motives in mind. Charles-Henri Sanson, a known royalist, provided detailed accounts, particularly of the execution of Louis XVI. The first edition of the Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de la révolution française, was published by bookseller Auguste Sautelet (?) during the Bourbon Restoration, but widely regarded as apocryphal. Perhaps because he exposed him self as human and religious? Perhaps the King was not involved in the approval of the guillotine? [Vol. III, p. 387] Perhaps because of his monarchism, or that he was not the executioner himself, but had appointed assistants? 
This online edition was not part of my research as Robespierre is mentioned only twice in the Mémoires. Louis-François L’Héritier is credited with rewriting parts of the text, though he is not listed as the editor in either the French or English Wikipedia entries. It seems “almost the entire first volume” (p. 58) was written by Balzac and that in any case it would be necessary to publish the entire Mémoires de Sanson. Balzac romantized the origin of the Sanson family back to the 13th century? Henri-Clément called it apocryphe.
Is the second volume online?
ChatGPT: Honoré de Balzac (1799–1850) was both Catholic and a royalist, which is evident in his work and personal beliefs. Although he did not live a strictly devout life, he valued the Catholic faith as a moral and social foundation in society. For Balzac, the Church was a stabilizing force amid the upheavals and chaos of his time, such as the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era.

As a royalist, Balzac admired the monarchy and the traditional hierarchies associated with it. He saw the monarchy as a symbol of order and continuity during a period of rapid democratic and liberal changes. This is also reflected in his magnum opus, La Comédie Humaine, where he often writes nostalgically about the nobility, old values, and the disappearance of traditional structures.

His political and religious convictions made him somewhat controversial in 19th-century Paris, which was increasingly influenced by revolutionary and liberal ideas. Nevertheless, he remained committed to his conservative ideals, setting him apart from many of his contemporaries.
The involvement of Honoré de Balzac is plausible, as he was involved in various unsuccessful printing ventures during the late 1820s. By April 1828, Balzac owed 50,000 francs to his mother. In 1829 he published his first historical novel  Les Chouans, about the catholic uprising in the west of France, which was not received and sold well. At the same time France was close to civil war, because of the differences between the left and the right about a constitutional monarchy, the Bourbon Restauration. Un épisode sous la Terreur  was published in 1830; Le Réquisitionnaire in 1831. In 1842 La Rabouilleuse became very popular. It was in December 1842 that the “épisode” found its almost definitive form, with its new epilogue and under the title of Une messe en 1793. It is signed “de Balzac”, and stripped of any connection with Sanson’s Mémoires. In 1845 he published the same story again under the old title Un épisode sous la Terreur. In all of these versions, the ending is changed.[https://www.maisondebalzac.paris.fr/vocabulaire/furne/notices/episode_sous_la_terreur.htm]
In 1851, after his death in 1850, Balzac was praised for reworking this “moving account” that begins with the execution of Louis XVI.  
Les explications circonstanciées de Marco de Saint-Hilaire rassurèrent pleinement Dutacq, et c’est ainsi (pie, six mois après, le 15 juin 1853, parut dans Le Pays, sous le nom de Balzac, un nouveau fragment des Mémoires de Sanson sous le titre de : Une exécution militaire, Scène de la vie militaire.[Mercure de France, 1 novembre 1950]
« Le plus jeune des bourreaux (il ne semblait pas avoir plus de dix-huit ans) saisit aussitôt la tête ».[Mercure de France, 1 février 1949]

Henri Clément Sanson

His Mémoires, a reworked version of the apocryphal memoirs of his grandfather, were republished by Henri Clément Sanson in 1862 (Volume I, II, III), in 1863 (Volume IV, V, VI) and 1876 an abridged English translation. The 1862 edition contains no references to Robespierre. According to P. Bourdin, a publicist named d’Olbreuse may have edited about one-third of the text? According to G. Lenotre in La Guillotine et les Executeurs des Arrets Criminels pendant la Revolution. D`apres des documents inedits tires des Archives de l`Etat, on page 105-106 the first three of four chapters in Volume I were written by d’Olbreuse.  Henri-Clément Sanson who lived at 31 or 71 bis Rue des Marais on the fourth floor (?) was visited by d’Olbreuse in 1860. [https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k57887298/f6.image/f1n388.pdf?download=1 p. 201-209] Nothing is known about this mysterious d’Olbreuse on internet, perhaps a misspelling or pseudonym? According to Lenotre Sanson kept his mouth “like a fish”; meanwhile 80,000 copies were sold. D’  Olbreuse received 5,000, Sanson 30,000 francs. 

Phillipe Bourdin describes Henri-Clément Sanson (27 May 1799 – Versailles, 25 January 1889) as a literature enthusiast which suggests that he may have authored much of the work himself (pp. 217–219). He was seen as studious, organised and methodical.[Le Petit Parisien, 8 juillet 1886] 

Philippe Bourdin, « Sept générations d’exécuteurs. Mémoires des bourreaux Sanson (16881847) »,  Annales historiques de la Révolution française [En ligne], 337 | juilletseptembre 2004, mis en ligne le 15  février 2006. URL : https://journals.openedition.org/ahrf/1561 ; DOI : https://  doi.org/10.4000/ahrf.1561

According to the Sanson family’s diary, 2,548 individuals were executed between July 14, 1789, and October 1, 1796. Among them, 370 were women, 22 were under the age of 18, and nine were over 80. While striking, these statistics could be accurate. Most
male victims’ occupations were written down by Charles-Henri Sanson. The total number of victims from January 1793 to July 1794 in Paris was 2,587. The class rank with
the highest number of victims during the Reign of Terror in Paris was the lower middle
class with a total of 708 and they made up 27% of the victims. [Reising, Willa Carlyle, p. 43] “At the height of the Terror, Sanson and his assistants guillotined 300 men and women in three days, 1,300 in six weeks, and between 6 April 1793 and 29 July 1795, no fewer than 2,831 heads dropped into the baskets.[https://www.geriwalton.com/french-executioner-charles-henri-sanson/#_ftnref5] Regarding the number of executed in Paris, the figures from Emile Campardon’s work are a little different from those given by Sanson and Reising: Campardon counted 2791 capital sentences pronounced by the Revolutionary Court between March 10, 1793 and May 31, 1795.
On the 1st of December 1840, Henri-Clément succeeded his father Henry Sanson who died on the 18th of August 1840. The Sanson family’s tenure as executioners effectively ended in  1846 when Henri-Clément Sanson, burdened by gambling debts, was imprisoned. In February 1847, facing severe financial ruin, he reportedly pawned the guillotine to settle his debts. On 18th of March he lost his job and intended to emigrate to the US.
He started the the first volume of the Mémoires – around 200 pages – with a historical and philosophical approach on death penalty from the Middle Ages, the guillotine, and torture. 
In Vol. I on page 208 he wrote about the first edition in 1829/30: These two volumes are moreover a tissue of mendacious allegations and puerile inventions, devoid, I will not say only of truth, but even of plausibility. Here is the version that the authors had imagined to place in the mouth of my father about the origins of our family.
In Vol. I, on page 211: If I have dwelt so long on these apocryphal Memoirs, it is so that they can never be opposed by people of good faith to the work that I am publishing today, and which is the only true repository of the memories of my family. I found in my father’s papers, a draft of the letter that he intended to write to the newspapers to deny these false Memoirs: Several respectable people, who are willing to honor me with their esteem, have seemed to believe that I was the author of the Memoirs of Sanson, executor of criminal judgments. I declare that I have never written anything similar and that the memories that my father left us offer no analogy with this publication, of which all the details are romantic.
Page 205-432 are about the origin of the family in Abbéville, who moved to Paris in 1685.
The second volume is about François Damiens, Lally-Tollendal and the Chevalier de la Barre. The third volume deals with Charles-Henry Sanson, his case with the press in 1790, the events in August 1792 but he does not mention the death of his uncle Gabriel. It ends with the execution of thiefs and forgerers and the death of Louis XVI. Volume III (1862) Volume IV, V and VI were published in 1863. It deals with the mass, Corday, Custine, the Queen, the Girondins, Madame Roland, Bailly. Vol. IV contains details about Danton, Desmoulins, not about their trial,  but the execution, Madame Élisabeth, 9 Thermidor, and Robespierre. To describe the events in the Convention, he cites Le Moniteur.[Vol. V, p. 317-] Charles Henri Sanson listed the names of a few thousand people, who were executed during the Grand Terreur. Desmorets, a clerc, was his assistent. 


*Louis-Gabriel Michaud (1847) Histoire de la famille des Sanson, exécuteurs des jugements criminels de Paris
* Roger Goulard (1968) Une lignée d’exécuteurs des jugements criminels; les Sanson, 1688-1847 (not online)
* Bernard Lecherbonnier (1989) Bourreaux de pere en filsles Sanson, 1688-1847
* G. Lenotre (1893) La Guillotine sous la Terreur.
* Sanson, Henri: Executioners All, Neville Spearman Ltd., 1962

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